ボーダーのない TANAKAの世界へ
interview with TANAKA
interview with TANAKA
Who inspired you?
Kiyoshi Tanaka, an oil painter, my father.
Eijiro Tanaka, a landscape designer, my grandfather.
I feel like I am still learning how to pursue my world from them, its warmth and strength,
and how living with sensibility would be.
What do you want to express through clothing? Soon you are going back to New York where the brand is based after you spent a year and a half in Europe. Tell us about your future plans.
For women, I wish my clothing to draw out their masculine side––natural strength and resilience–– and support those qualities.
For men, I think it is possible at times to draw out their androgynous sensitivity and kindness, and strength on this reverse side.
I got to this mode of expression as I was trying to make clothing for everyone regardless of age, gender or national origin.
At the same time, I always think about approaches and details that are captivating and exciting.
I recently designed the costumes for a jazz band and a dance team. I believe my approach and design offers a variety of enjoyment and richness through TANAKA clothing.
Also it would be nice if people could tell that I’m enjoying it the most.
I hope everyone will enjoy this upcoming TANAKA POP UP too.
I stayed in Europe working on a project in the past year and a half during the pandemic. The movement restrictions have since eased and I will finally go back to New York, which is my ‘starting point’.
The pandemic still impacts my industry, but hopefully I will make a recovery and grow with the city within which I started TANAKA, and which remains an influence.
How did the pandemic affect your activity/brand?
I got more inspiration than ever before for the last few seasons.
Take a deep breath dance slowly SS21
“Take a breath and dance slowly.” That was exactly what I was feeling.
The world changed drastically and there was chaos. A lot of people had difficult times.
I presented a collection with a relaxed and expansive feeling, using linen fabric and textile print inspired by cities in southern France, the only region I could visit in Europe.
Dreaming FW21
I was dreaming during the pandemic. It felt like it was going on forever.
I wanted to see the people across the water, I wanted to travel… and simultaneously I remembered the dreams we had in our childhood.
Musicians, athletes, astronauts… I was inspired by these dreams and the music that supported me during the pandemic, presenting dreamy pyjama looks using 70’s style patterns.
Light and Shadow SS22, which I’m going to present, represents recovery.
I have expressed the contrast of past hardship and coming bright future using light and shadow––an expectation of recovery.
While I was stranded in Europe by the pandemic, I had strong support from Team TANAKA in Tokyo and New York, the Europe showroom team who continued vigorous sales, the factories who always ensured the quality of our creation, and friends who spread the brand by word of mouth. My gratitude for them grew so big and we were more united in these past few seasons, even though we didn’t see each other for a while.
I was thinking, humans are strong if they can face forward, but they can’t do anything without other people.
On social media, people of different nationalities and backgrounds wear TANAKA and that feels so real and fascinating. In what kind of moments do you find people attractive?
Maybe when I find their own unique personality.
Their atmosphere, their stories, their words, their standing postures, their clothes, their hair, their makeup, their consideration for others or what they do for a living… anything.
When I find people’s own personality somewhere, I find them attractive.
I hope TANAKA clothing will be one of the elements that brings out someone's charm.
What is your message to people who are coming to the pop up store?
I got this wonderful opportunity to come to Hayama.
TANAKA has been making clothing that suits everyone and remains wearable for a long time.
I hope people in Hayama will find something that they would like to wear.
And I hope I offer enjoyment for people who are coming to Hayama to relax.
I look forward to meeting you there.
東京モード学園アパレルファッションデザイン学科卒業。ヨウジヤマモトにて「ヨウジヤマモト ファム」「ヨウジヤマモト プールオム」「ワイズ フォー メン」で企画、ニットカットソーデザイナーとして経験を積んだ後、ファーストリテイリングに入社、「ユニクロ」のウィメンズデザインのチームリーダーとして東京、上海、ニューヨークのオフィスに勤務。